วันเสาร์ที่ 3 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Nurse Jamie Rescues Those Puffy Eyes for EXTRA TV

EXTRA Roadtest is all about the best solutions for one of the Holiday Season's biggest beauty dilemmas -- post party puffy eyes -- Nurse Jamie shares some great solutions because you want to look like a rock star - not like you party like one! The combination of late nights, salty foods and maybe a little bit of alcohol are all factors that contribute to fluid retention around the eyes. We're talking about temporary post party puffiness -- periorbital edema. - not chronic bags -- for those you might want to consider a little dermal filler or in extreme cases -- surgery -- but before you run out for a blepharoplasty -- try one of the products mentioned or one of the fun at home remedies. When applying, use your middle finger and gently press along the eyebrow and around the eye socket. This will stimulate the lymphatic system and help drain excess fluid. The swelling will reduce. You may also try increasing the amount of essential fatty acids in your diet, particularly those from flax seed oil and fish oils. Essential fatty acids can help reduce inflammation throughout the body, so it makes sense that supplementation may help reduce under eye puffiness as well. Try a home remedy! Everyone is familiar with the old slices of cucumber on the eyelid remedy -- this works because of their astringent properties, a substance which is a chemical compound that shrinks or constrict body tissues, usually locally after topical medicinal application. - but slices of strawberries work ...


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